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Valentine’s Day: Four Tips For Seamlessly Moving in Together
Valentine’s Day isn’t just about drug store chocolates and candlelight dinners. Many couples see it as a moment to look back on their relationship, take stock, and make plans for the future. For some, those plans include moving in together.
While moving in with your partner can be a leap of faith, there are things you can do to smooth the transition. To help those couples considering the shift to roomie status, we’ve put together four of our top tips for life under the same roof.
Avoid Arguments Over Schedule Clashes & Forgetting Keys
They need you to stay home to let in the house cleaner. But you have plans to meet a friend. Or you leave the house and forget your keys… To avoid scheduling dilemmas and arguments over lost keys, consider installing a smart lock on your front door. These clever devices can give both of you the flexibility to be away from home, whenever you want.
The August Smart Lock Pro + Connect is a great option — and easy to install for renters or homeowners alike. You can both use the August app on your smartphone to let in visitors remotely, from friends and family, to cleaners dog walkers. It’s a simple DIY update with a big impact on day-to-day harmony in the home.
Make Time for Self Care and Prioritize Your Rest
Just because you can now spend 24/7 together — doesn’t mean you should! It’s important to stay curious and attuned to who you are as an individual, especially after moving in together. Make time for the hobbies you enjoyed by yourself before you moved in. Cook a meal, read a book, draw or meditate. Anything that brings you joy, and helps you replenish your energy. The time you do spend with your partner will be better for it!
Most importantly, make a conscious effort to prioritize rest. As many of us struggle with burnout, it affects the amount of energy we put into maintaining a healthy relationship, especially when both are exhausted. Holding each other accountable to a regular bedtime can help you both get the rest you need to show up for each other. You’ll be grateful once you’re both in bed ready to call it a day… and if you’re the one in the relationship who forgets if you locked the door or not, don’t worry! The August Smart Lock Pro includes voice assistant integrations, including Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit and Google Assistant to make sure the door is locked without getting out of bed.
Split Up Household Tasks — But Be Flexible
When moving in together, the truth is no one wants to do the cleaning up. But someone has to! When you first move in together, try creating a chart to make sure household tasks are split up equally. Over time, you’ll find a natural rhythm. One person may prefer cooking, while the other finds cleaning the bathroom therapeutic. (We all have our quirks.) Equally, try to be flexible when you need to. You’ll each have busy periods from now and then, and it’s okay to switch off tasks as needed. If you’ve got their back, they’ll have yours next time around.
For the days when neither of you are around to get some housework done, or for the partners who are extra busy, installing the August Smart Lock Pro + Connect is like having a third roommate. With the installed lock you can conveniently let in a professional cleaner through the August app or August Smart Keypad.
Align on Your Finances — Right Away!
One of the scariest parts about moving in together are the finances. Making assumptions about finances can put you in a difficult situation down the line. Instead, establish the ground rules from the get go — Are you going to split everything down the middle? Perhaps the highest earner will pick up a bigger portion. Questions around equity also come into these conversations. If you earn the same, but one person has more wealth in the family, it may be fairer to weight your contributions accordingly.
Most importantly, always come to conversations about finances ready to listen and compromise.
August smart locks are not just for the front door. They offer convenient, keyless access for back doors, side doors, garage doors, even sheds.
Share the love on all your doors with a special Valentine’s Day Deal. Buy one August Smart Lock Pro + Connect and get the second one 50% off, now through February 21 to save $115.
Plus, for a full door refresh in your new home, check out our sleek smart door lock bundles. This is a great option if you’re looking for a full lock replacement to modernize your door lock or to simply change the locks for a peace of mind for a start fresh.