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Prep for The Big Game with August and Yale
While we’ve all likely spent more time than ever on the couch this past year, the culmination of football season still has a celebratory feel to it -- for sports fans and snackaholics alike. Whether you’re gathering your family, roommates, or a small circle of friends to watch, August & Yale have products to help you outfit your home to make your party go without a hitch. (You’ll have to take care of the snacks though!)
Yale Smart Cabinet Lock: Saving your special bottles for a signature cocktail? Keep your booze collection protected before and during the game with the Yale Smart Cabinet Lock. It easily mounts inside most cabinets and drawers, and you can unlock/lock it and monitor access from the Yale Access App, from anywhere.
August Wi-Fi Smart Lock: Let in a late arrival without missing a second of the game (or the epic commercials). With the Wi-Fi Smart Lock, you can give guests access via your phone -- or through a voice assistant -- without leaving the couch!
August Keypad: This accessory is also ideal for welcoming a time-challenged guest, or your roommate who was picking up the takeout. Simply program a unique access code and share with your guests, and they can let themselves in with no disruption.
Yale Navis Paddle: Rather than a twist, this handle opens with a push—give it a small hip or elbow check without using your hands! We like to install this in high-traffic areas so it's easy to access doors when carrying drinks or that platter of saucy wings.
No matter who you’re rooting for, there’s one thing we can all be on the same team about: a secure, seamless house that works with you. August and Yale are proud to be making sleek solutions that make your life easier, so you can focus on the things that matter. In this case, a great night of football with the ones you love.