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August to the Rescue
Jul 20, 2018
You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about how August’s smart entry solutions simplify your life, reduce stress and streamline your home. That’s all true. But what about those little moments when August literally saves the day? When your connected lock or doorbell camera truly prevents anything from an annoying inconvenience to a total disaster? Without further ado, tales of August to the rescue:
- It’s date night, and that fancy Italian dish you were trying to cook went haywire. But you phoned in the takeout and your BFF is coming to your rescue. Crack open the wine and use our August Smart Lock Pro + Connect and August Doorbell Cam Pro to let your friendly delivery person in with the important package. The mobile app lets you view who’s at the door and unlock it with a simple tap of your screen. All you have to do is hide the containers! (DISCLAIMER: we don’t actually endorse lying to your romantic partner.)
- Houseguests are coming this weekend, and you haven’t had time to make copies of your keys. The thought of coordinating with your visitors each day to hand off your keys makes your head spin. But then you remember: you can create a unique code for your August Smart Keypad! No more hassle of hiding a key or scheduling to meet. Simply give your guests the code you’ve created. You can schedule it to activate the day they arrive and expire the day they leave — set it and forget it!
- You’re headed back home after a long day of running errands — your keys are buried at the bottom of your oversized bag (or maybe you lost them) and you’re flanked by groceries (and who knows what else). There’s no need to drop everything to search through your bag. All you have to do is walk up to your front door, use your voice to unlock the August Smart Lock, and enjoy the rest of your evening.